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  • 2x2
Verwandte Begriffe

Eine um 1900 von William Irvine gegründete christliche klassische Sekte . Sie stellt eine deviante christliche Bewegung dar und hat Merkmale einer "Untergrund-Gemeinde".


Friedrich Wilhelm Haack ( Findungshilfe 2000 , München 1990 S. 44 - 46) zitiert eine kritische Darstellung von Treshing Foloor Ministry, die ich hier wiedergeben möchte:

"The church without a name has dozen of names. The church without doctrine has very repressive doctrines. The church without a history with a definitely traceable past. The church that calls itself the truth that is built upon deception, falsehoods and double talk. The preachers that call themselves servants who rule with apparently unchecked authority. The primary doctrine of the COC ist that the only access to Christ is through their homeless, itinerant, unpaid preachers, and the church without buildings or a name. Beyond that, the church has a vry undefined theology. Therefore, not all of the members are aware of the other tenets of this church.

The following list of beliefs an practices is taken from notes and tapes of meetings from all over the world, for several generations. It shows doctrinal points consistently held by the church since the early 1900's.

  1. Denial of the orthodox doctrine of the Trinity.
  2. Denial that Jesus is God. Belief that the Holy Spirit is a Force, not a personality of God.
  3. Belief that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are completely seperate entities united only in attitude and purpose (Polytheism).
  4. Belief that natural life is seperate from spiritual life. Natural life and all that pertains to it are worthless. Spiritual things should be the only focus of a Christian's life. (Gnosticism)
  5. Belief that Jesus could have sinned but did not. (Arianism).
  6. Belief that Christ's blood isn't enough to cover our sins; one must obey certain rules definded by this church. Man is saved by faithful self-denial and methodology. (Legalism)
  7. Belief that a divorced an remarried person cannot have salvation unless seperated from the second spouse.
  8. Belief that Jesus is our example instead of our substitute.
  9. No training or education is required to preach.
  10. Members coall the church THE TRUTH and consider it THE WAY.
  11. Baptism by immersion valid only if done by them. Permission for baptism must be given by the preachers.
  12. Denial of their founder, William Irvine. Claim of apostolic succession or the restoration of New Testament apostleship.
  13. One cannot receive Salvation unless he has heard the message from a 2x2 preacher.

Besides the theology described above, William Irvine and his associates initiated many attitudes and practices that continue to this day.

  1. Full authority rests with the head preacher of each region. There is no balance of power.
  2. The condem the use of church buildings yet church money is used for building on church convention grounds.
  3. No practice of formal counselling, teaching of the scripture, worship, praying for the sick, fasting, tithing, or wedding cermemonies.
  4. (...) Marriage is considered inferior to being an unmarried preacher.
  5. Women and girls ar expected to wear their uncut hair in buns no cosmetics or jewelry.
  6. (...) great emphasis on prohibitions. People may not own television, dance, go to movies, smoke, drink alcohol, or swear.
  7. Refusal to publish a statement of doctrine. They claime that the Bible is their doctrine, yet they ignore large portions of scripture.
  8. The church does not practice collective charity to others. It does not want to be a 'loaves and fishes' church.
  9. Double talk and frequent contradiction of logic an previous statements.
  10. No system of appeals for those who ar excommunicated or who are adversely affected by the leaders. No financial support for retired preachers. (Anm: Die damit der Allgmeinheit via Sozialfürsorge angelasted werden).
  11. Little or no teaching on birth control, homosexuality, charity, immorality, or abortion.
  12. Psychological isolation from family an friends that are not church members, and isolation from the reality of normal life.
  13. Members ar warned against careers in sports, the military, law, entertainment, politics or police work. Few vote.
  14. Unacknowledged funds managed by elders or head preachers."

Deutsche Nationalbibliothek

Index Theologicus

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  • Two by Twos (engl.) Mit ausführlichen Literaturhinweisen.
Autoren Winfried Müller
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